Rates and history
In setting rates each year, Council balances the increasing costs that Council must pay to deliver services and maintain infrastructure for the community; and other factors such as the current economic climate, Council’s debt profile, changes in legislation, increased utility costs, and the need to manage, maintain and improve the community’s physical infrastructure assets for current and future generations.
Rates increases occur in line with the Local Government Price Index (LGPI)*. In the LGPI ‘basket’ are wages, heavy equipment, diesel, bitumen, and much greater proportions of power and water than the average household.
The rating history for the City of Burnside over the past 12 years is shown below.
Other helpful links:
Find out what your rates will be using the rates calculator
Find out how to register for electronic rates notices
Do you need to update your name or address?
Find out about concessions, payment arrangements and rate relief