2021 Annual Community Survey

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Consultation has concluded


The City of Burnside conducts an annual survey to understand our residents' opinion on strategic topics that will inform business planning, policy and future projects. The Annual Community Survey is the only fully representative survey conducted in the City and the results of this survey are a genuine reflection of our community's opinion. The results from these surveys are used to inform decision making at Council. 

Some interesting points at a glance below. The full report can be found in the Document Library to the right of screen. 

40 km/hour speed limits on local roads

1 in 3 residents appear to strongly support the introduction of a lower speed limit on local roads, with roughly 1 in 3 relatively neutral and the remaining third strongly opposed. 

Community Connection

78% of residents think that it is important to feel connected to their community. 

64% feel connected.

Passive Recreation

9 in 10 appear satisfied with the amount of passive recreation opportunities in their area. 

89% feel there's enough recreation opportunities, with 21% suggesting Council can better their outdoor facilities (eg more parks, playgrounds, equipment, courts) in order to facilitate residents' passive recreation activities. 


The Annual Community Survey is one of the many tools that Council uses to enhance community input into the planning of council business and future years' annual budgets.

Councils are required to find the balance between what residents expect Council to deliver and what is fiscally possible and realistic for Council. A statistically relevant consultative process such as an Annual Community Survey can provide relevant and timely data, which may assist with informed decision making.

It is important for Council to understand more about community opinions and feedback on various aspects of Council services.

Each year an Annual Community Survey is conducted to gauge community satisfaction with Council services, or opinion on key issues. The survey is conducted in a cycle of trend data every second year, and a strategic survey for each intervening year. You can view past survey's online at burnside.sa.gov.au

The survey is now open until 5 pm Friday 17 December 2021. You can also have your say, even if you don't receive a call. Simply complete the online Survey.

Take the survey


The City of Burnside conducts an annual survey to understand our residents' opinion on strategic topics that will inform business planning, policy and future projects. The Annual Community Survey is the only fully representative survey conducted in the City and the results of this survey are a genuine reflection of our community's opinion. The results from these surveys are used to inform decision making at Council. 

Some interesting points at a glance below. The full report can be found in the Document Library to the right of screen. 

40 km/hour speed limits on local roads

1 in 3 residents appear to strongly support the introduction of a lower speed limit on local roads, with roughly 1 in 3 relatively neutral and the remaining third strongly opposed. 

Community Connection

78% of residents think that it is important to feel connected to their community. 

64% feel connected.

Passive Recreation

9 in 10 appear satisfied with the amount of passive recreation opportunities in their area. 

89% feel there's enough recreation opportunities, with 21% suggesting Council can better their outdoor facilities (eg more parks, playgrounds, equipment, courts) in order to facilitate residents' passive recreation activities. 


The Annual Community Survey is one of the many tools that Council uses to enhance community input into the planning of council business and future years' annual budgets.

Councils are required to find the balance between what residents expect Council to deliver and what is fiscally possible and realistic for Council. A statistically relevant consultative process such as an Annual Community Survey can provide relevant and timely data, which may assist with informed decision making.

It is important for Council to understand more about community opinions and feedback on various aspects of Council services.

Each year an Annual Community Survey is conducted to gauge community satisfaction with Council services, or opinion on key issues. The survey is conducted in a cycle of trend data every second year, and a strategic survey for each intervening year. You can view past survey's online at burnside.sa.gov.au

The survey is now open until 5 pm Friday 17 December 2021. You can also have your say, even if you don't receive a call. Simply complete the online Survey.

Take the survey