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This is our media hub of all things Burnside.

A hub for local news about people, businesses and happenings in our community.

You will see some beautiful photos of Wyfield Reserve, one of Burnside's biodiversity sites, at the top right of this page.


This is our media hub of all things Burnside.

A hub for local news about people, businesses and happenings in our community.

You will see some beautiful photos of Wyfield Reserve, one of Burnside's biodiversity sites, at the top right of this page.

  • Long time Burnside teacher retires

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    Off busy Magill Road is a small council owned community centre that has been home to Burnside Kindergym for many years. The building backs on to the leafy Mellor Reserve, a little pocket of green in Beulah Park.

    Long time Burnside Kindergym teacher, Trisha Blanks, has decided to retire. “After 25 years I felt it was just time,” Trisha says. “I was ready to do other things.” Those things include travel with her husband Robert and spending more time with her two grandchildren Lotti and Oscar.

    While living in Victoria and raising her two young children Trisha, a primary school teacher, helped start up a Kindergym in Horsham. Kindergym is a multi-movement based program designed specifically for children five years and under and their caregivers. The program promotes the development of the whole child – physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively, in a safe, structured, multi-sensory environment, indoors. Children from babies to five-year-olds attend a one hour session once a week with their carer. They climb, dance, use ball skills and play.

    Moving with her family to SA in 1995 Trisha worked at Burnside Kindergym two days a week and one day a week at Mount Barker. “As my children became more independent I worked my way up to five days a week,” Trisha says. Twenty five years and countless children later Trisha has retired. “I am a very social person and I loved the communication with the families,” she says. “I watched the children develop and I became good friends with some of the parents and carers.”

    She was also very sensitive to the needs of carers who were often sleep deprived or juggling busy lives. “I knew when someone needed a hug or if they were struggling,” she says. “These days lots of Mums go back to work after just 12 months off.”

    Trisha says Burnside Kindergym was like a second home to her. “It has been the most amazing 25 years, it gave me more than I gave it,” she says. “I loved every minute and not everyone loves their job all the time. To see a child do something for the first time is special.”

    So what does 2020 hold for Trisha? She will travel but not for pleasure. “I am going to Nepal with a group of empowered women who are making and donating sanitary products to give to women in impoverished villages,” she says. “Maybe later in the year I will have a holiday.”

  • Young Achiever

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    Born in Punjab in India, Kirat Singh came to Australia with his family in 2016, aged 14. Having studied English at school in India he was able to fit in fairly easily when he started Year 9 at Marryatville High School. At home he speaks Punjabi, a language derived from a mix of four languages – Farsi, Hindi, English and Urdu. He also speaks pure Hindi.

    He is passionate about cooking and one day wants to open his own restaurant or café. “In Year 6 we had a visit from Sanjeev Kapoor, a famous Indian chef,” he says. “I knew that cooking was what I wanted to do.” He started cooking meals at home for his family and when his mother saw a promotion for Council’s Cooking for a Cause program she suggested he sign up. “I did a five-week course with chef Matt Stedman,” Kirat says. “He taught me a lot, especially about safety in the kitchen, how to hold a knife correctly.” But Kirat also taught Matt something new. “I make naan bread a special Indian way and it was different to how Matt did it,” he says.

    Kirat has returned to the Cooking for a Cause program as a volunteer and continues to learn more in the kitchen. He also volunteers at Glen Osmond Gurudwara (Sikh temple) teaching Punjabi to kids of all ages. He proudly wears a khanda necklace around his neck and kara on his wrist, symbols of his Sikh faith.

    After completing Year 12 this year he hopes to go to the University of Adelaide and undertake a Bachelor of IT with a career goal of working in defence cyber safety. “I want to be a ‘white hacker’,” he says. “Helping defend and secure their systems and countering the ‘black hackers’.” But Kirat’s dream of having his own restaurant has not been forgotten. “An IT professional can also be a chef but I don’t think a chef can also be an IT professional,” he says. “So I will start my IT career and see how it goes.”

    In his spare time Kirat plays volleyball and football and aims to qualify for the State football team. He also does Bhangra, a Punjabi dance.

    Kirat’s hope is to open his own restaurant / café by the age of 25. Given what he has achieved in his 17 years there is no doubt he will achieve that.

    Cooking for a Cause is a free five-week course offered to people of high school age or under 25 who live, work, study or play within the City of Burnside. At each session you will learn how to cook a healthy, nutritious meal which will then be delivered to various organisations for the homeless in South Australia. There are various course dates in each school term. Register your interest to

  • Local Burnside CFS volunteers tell their story about KI

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    Henry Davis has been a Burnside Councillor since November 2014 and joined Burnside CFS as a volunteer, along with his wife Avril, after being invited to their Christmas party in 2016. “Our first job was actually a flood, not a fire,” Henry said. “We worked at Waterfall Gully sandbagging houses and going door to door warning people.”

    When fires ravaged NSW in November and December 2019, Henry and Avril each did a stint helping local firefighters over on the east coast. The Cudlee Creek fire started on 20 December and both Henry and Avril worked fighting this fire up until New Year’s Eve.

    Just when they thought they could have a break, a call went out on New Year’s Day from Kangaroo Island. Henry was first to go and soon found himself facing a massive fire, burning at incredible speed. “We knew it was going to be bad,” he says. “It started as 2,000 hectares and soon spread to 155,000 hectares.” On Friday 3 January the fire took off with north easterly winds. “We were trapped on the Playford Highway, surrounded by fire,” Henry said. “We were trying to save a property while also planning our escape.”

    Henry was travelling in a command car with no water or breathing apparatus and relied on his fellow volunteers to get him out safely. “You have to stand together. You rely on crews beside you and protect each other. I am incredibly thankful all the CFS volunteers came home that day,” Henry said. “The fire was so intense all the water in the world would not have put that out.”

    Back home Avril was watching the news intently, not knowing where Henry was and unable to contact him by phone. “When he went to NSW I had already been so I knew what he was facing. But on KI I had no idea how bad it was,” she said. Later that night Henry had limited phone reception near Parndana and was able to call home to let Avril know he was safe. “The fire was still going and I had to go back and fight the next day so I didn’t know if this could have been my last phone call,” he said. Avril knew the dangers her husband faced but says “It’s your job – you just do it. You don’t disregard the risk but you don’t panic either.”

    Henry returned home after 5 days and Avril took her turn to volunteer on KI. “We worked with a lot of firefighting units from farms. They were exhausted,” she said. “But they were protecting their livelihood not just their assets. A lot of locals lost their homes while they were fighting the fire with us.”

    Henry and Avril are determined to return to Kangaroo Island on a holiday, to help local businesses recover.

  • New Citizens

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    A Kenyan family are set to become Australia Citizens at Burnside’s Australia Day ceremony on Sunday 26 January.

    John Oloo, his wife Mercy Achieng and children Nicole, 20, Samuel, 16, Nelson, 11 and Naomi, 6 will all take Australian Citizenship after migrating from Kenya in 2011. Naomi was born in Australia but does not automatically become a citizen. The family first settled in Bordertown in the state’s south east where John worked as a General Practitioner. “We moved to a country town so it was easy to fit in to a small community,” Mercy says. John says they came to Australia for an adventure and wanted to experience something different. They miss family in Kenya but have made many friends here and try to return to their homeland every couple of years. The whole family is excited about becoming Aussies and are planning a big lunch with 150 friends after the ceremony.

    L-R: Samuel, Nelson, John, Naomi, Mercy, Nicole.

  • Council delivers food for injured koalas

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    2019 ended in tragedy and devastation for many in our community with bushfires in the Adelaide Hills, Kangaroo Island and across other parts of the country.

    The work of the emergency services and the thousands of volunteers across the nation has been extraordinary. Council is not only inspired by these actions but deeply grateful for their dedication and selflessness. It has also been a time when the community has united with kindness and generosity.

    The effects are still being felt in the Adelaide Hills with the impacts to homes, livelihoods and wildlife still being realised. At a local level the Burnside CFS has put in countless hours to protect families and defend properties, with residents and community groups continuing to help the clean-up effort and providing various forms of support.

    As well as the loss of life and property, the impact upon our nation’s wildlife cannot be underestimated.

    As part of the response effort Adelaide Koala Rescue (AKR), a volunteer group, set up an emergency triage site for koalas injured and orphaned in the Cudlee Creek fires. In the past three weeks they have been caring for more than 100 koalas with some still being found and brought in for treatment. Paradise Primary School kindly provided their gymnasium as a hospital space and it has been operating around the clock, staffed with veterinarians, nurses, trainees and a host of committed volunteers. They are still seeking a space large enough to host the hospital once school resumes and needs the space next week. Groups like this are providing an invaluable contribution in nurturing our native species and in the recovery process.

    At a chance meeting in early January Mayor Monceaux was advised by AKR volunteer and Burnside resident, Joylene Fraser, of the plight of these many animals and of the work this group was doing. The Mayor approached Council administration to see if they could help with any suitable eucalypt leaves to feed these unique animals.

    Mayor Monceaux advised that Council was able to deliver a truckload of food to the AKR hospital, within three days of the official request. “Like many Australians, I have been saddened and felt the horrific impact to our wildlife from the recent fires in the state,” the Mayor said. “The need to help and protect these Adelaide hills koalas, even in a very small way or gesture, has been meaningful and testifies to the true community spirit in our City, and our willingness to help other council areas.”

    Burnside’s Arboriculture Team has a list of trees that they work to prune every week as part of managing Burnside’s Urban Forest. The team reviewed this list and brought forward their pruning of an SA Blue Gum, collecting these cuttings and delivering them fresh to AKR on the same day.

    In thanking and recognising Council for the delivery Ms Fraser corresponded with the Mayor on 5 January that "arriving at the hospital early this morning [and…] there in front of me was a Burnside Council Depot truck, full of luscious moist leaf, delivering food to the injured koalas. I cried, tears just poured down my face. Last night we were almost empty. How good was this, my own Council to the rescue; I was overwhelmed with pride and gratitude.”

    The AKR hospital featured on the television news that evening and Ms Fraser wrote “if you saw the footage on TV [news] tonight all the greenery was from Burnside.”

    If you want to help Adelaide Koala Rescue donations can be made to their gofundme page or via their website

    To see more images click on the article's title above

    Above: The gum supplied by City of Burnside at the AKR hospital. Each pen houses an injured or orphaned koala.

    Above: The City of Burnside truck delivering SA Blue Gum

    Above: Close-up of a koala pen with Matthew from Burnside's Arboriculture Team.

  • Councils pull together to assist with fire management

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    Above: Andrew Strauss, left, with LGFSG team members for the Cudlee Creek fire

    Andrew Strauss has had 14 years’ experience as a CFS volunteer and 33 years with local Councils. He has worked for Burnside council as City Coordinator for 8 years. He needed to use all those skills and experience when called to assist in the management of the Cudlee Creek and Kangaroo Island fires. Andrew was Local Government Liaison Officer for the Local Government Functional Support Group (LGFSG) based at Mt Barker, from Friday 20 December – when the fire started – through to 30 December.

    Under the State Emergency Management Plan, the LGFSG is responsible for coordinating the response from councils during emergencies, as well as efforts during the recovery phase.

    The LGFSG has been very active over the past two months, working around the clock with councils to help the CFS and other agencies respond to, and recover from, the bushfires that have swept across our State. This support has included:

    Providing coordination of local government resources

    Providing staff at the State Emergency Centre

    Providing local government liaison officers at the CFS Incident Command Centre

    Representation on the State Recovery Operations Group.

    Andrew played a pivotal role in assisting multiple agencies by allocating resources and identifying appropriate field staff. “It was important that all the agencies involved knew where and how to get extra resources they needed,” said Andrew. “My role was to delegate tasks to the appropriate agency or, if a Council task, to allocate staff and equipment.” So when the CFS wanted to hold a community meeting it was Andrew who liaised with the local council to hire a venue. “It was like a bigger scale of my day-to-day job but with the added pressure of knowing people’s lives and properties had been lost.” Andrew also ensured a local council staff member was in the field with teams that have come to assist from other council’s so they could use their local knowledge.

    Eleven councils assisted with the Cudlee Creek fire in the Adelaide Hills region, and 12 helped on Kangaroo Island (with an additional 13 councils on standby, ready to contribute if needed). This support has come not only from metropolitan areas but also very small regional councils, who have sent the limited staff and resources they have available.

    One of the big tasks to be done was to assess all the burnt and damaged trees to ensure they were safe or needed to be removed. Councils around the state pulled together and provided teams of arborists to inspect a huge number of damaged trees. Chris Hawkins led the Burnside team on Monday 23 December, which was allocated several large streets at Harrogate. Chris had been one of the first arborists on scene after the 2015 Sampson Flat fire and drew on that experience. “Assessing trees which have suffered through a bushfire requires a different skill and experience level,” says Chris. “Fire can burn underground in the roots of trees for several metres.” Chris and his team inspected thousands of trees to assess if they needed removal, were safe or needed ongoing monitoring. “The basic rule was – if there’s smoke, it (the tree) goes!” They assessed the trees’ structure including signs of burning underground which will impact the trees roots and stability. On the first day Chris and his team identified more than 20 large eucalypts which required removal – after that they stopped counting! But they did save as many trees as possible. “It was hot and tiring work. I’m asthmatic so the smoke was a problem for me,” he said. But even more distressing for Chris were the numbers of injured and dead wildlife he came across. “We saw lots of dead wildlife, the loss was devastating.”

    A week after Christmas Andrew got a call from the Local Government State Duty Officer. The Kangaroo Island fire was out of control and Andrew was needed there as Local Government Planner to assist the Incident Management Team. “It was a challenging time,” he says. “The speed of the fire was frightening and the remoteness of the island meant communications were not always the best. There were times when I wasn’t sure where all the crews were.” Andrew says the locals were generally supportive and happy to have the extra help. Over five days Andrew clocked up more than 80 hours in the field. But he does not want extra pay or time off. “That was my duty,” he says. “It was my contribution and was great experience for me. I am better trained and have even more experience for the next time.”

    Let’s hope ‘the next time’ is a long way off.

  • Regal Theatre unites with Australian cinemas in bushfire appeal

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    On Sunday 19 January 2020 the City of Burnside’s iconic Regal Theatre will join forces with Australian cinemas and film distributors in raising funds to assist Australian’s affected by the recent bushfire tragedy / situation.

    $2 from every movie ticket sold at the Regal Theatre will be donated to one of the three charities supporting bushfire relief efforts.

    In thanking the firefighters, volunteers, defence personnel, charities, organisations and communities who are working tirelessly to protect and support fire-affected Australians, City of Burnside Mayor, Anne Monceaux, said that Council understands the circumstances facing many ordinary Australians and will play a part where possible in supporting bushfire affected communities.

    “The loss of loved ones, homes and property, livelihoods and wildlife is heartbreaking,” Mayor Monceaux said. “I remember the impact of the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983, and the effects of these fires and trauma still impact on the lives of many to this day.”

    “Council will continue to partake where possible in the public effort to support our fellow citizens and community members. Having recently assisted with a food supply for injured Koalas, this is another example of how, through our service offerings, we can uniquely contribute to the recovery effort,” Mayor Monceaux said.

    100% of the proceeds raised through each tickets contribution will be shared across three Australian charities doing incredible work in fire-affected communities:

    Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal - providing immediate emotional and material support to firefighters, volunteers and evacuees;

    Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery - supporting thousands of people in evacuation centres and recovery hubs across the country, and the;

    RSPCA Bushfire Appeal - protecting animals in threatened or affected areas and long-term rescue and rehabilitation efforts

  • #rideburnside

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    A new ‘all wheels - all ages’ pump track is coming to Burnside. #rideburnside is a new and free recreational facility for all wheeled sports including bikes of all types, scooters, skateboards and the very cool balance bike for toddlers.

    The track will be part of a 12 month trial across four locations in the City the first location will be at the Civic Centre:

    - Civic Centre (cnr Portrush Road and Greenhill Road) *29 Feb - 15 Jun*
    - Newland Reserve, Erindale *15 Jun - 14 Sept*
    - Miller Reserve, Linden Park *14 Sept - 30 Nov*
    - Kensington Park Reserve, Kensington Park *30 Nov - 22 Feb 2021*

    *look out on engage.burnside for updates*

    On 12 November 2019 Council resolved to purchase a portable pump track and conduct a 12 month rotating trial across four locations: Kensington Park Reserve, Newland Reserve, Miller Reserve and the Civic Centre.

  • Men’s Shed Program to move in New Year

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    Members of the popular Men’s Shed Program visited the Conyngham Street Depot this week to inspect the new facilities. The program will be based at the new Shed from mid-January. With brand new facilities and more space, the men were pleased with the prospect of moving in. “It looks very good,” said John. “It’s pretty plush for a shed,” said Peter, both regulars.

    Men’s Shed Coordinator Evan Reay said the men would plan and decide on the interior layout and fit out. “It will be a team effort,” Evan said. “The men will probably make their own shelves and design the interior space to suit their needs.

    The new Conyngham Street site will also incorporate a nursery, community garden and Depot storage.

  • Christmas Lights

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    Do you have a special Christmas light exhibit you would like to share with others?

    The Paspaliaris family of Wattle Park have shared these photos and encourage people to enjoy the lights nightly 8 pm - midnight at 5 Rosedale Avenue Wattle Park. Visitors are welcome to come up to the front windows to view the window displays. Collection tins available to raise funds for Make-A-Wish Australia.

    Merry Christmas from Tom & Alice, Natasha & Demetrios.

Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 03:21 PM