Have your say on our community's assets to ensure that our Asset Management Plans meet future community needs.
Why are you consulting with me?
Council is responsible for the management of more than $715m worth of assets for our community. Asset Management Plans are developed to assist Council in managing these assets to an agreed standard of service, and to meet the needs of current and future users.
Buildings / $84m
Open Space / $56m
Stormwater / $125m
Transport / $299m
Plant & Equipment / $8.6m
Urban Forest trees recorded / 40,301
The City of Burnside's Asset Management Plans were last reviewed in 2019. At this time, we asked our community to share their views on how well our assets are currently maintained, and to help us identify what areas could be improved.
This feedback indicated to us a general satisfaction with roads, lighting, sporting facilities, street furniture, open space assets, flood protection and building accessibility but that we could do some work to improve maintenance of footpaths.
As a result of receiving this feedback work has been done to develop action.burnside to allow residents to quickly log any issues for repair, and the introduction of a work order system will help improve effectiveness of footpath maintenance.
Council has six plans that outline what investment is required to meet defined service standards over the next 10 years.
Each plan focuses on a distinct class of assets:
Buildings - such as the library, community centres and sport facilities.
Open space - parks, playgrounds, bins, street furniture and lighting.
Stormwater - drains, culverts and stormwater pits.
Transport - footpaths, roads, kerbs and traffic control devices.
Plant & Equipment - fleet vehicles, community bus, forklifts, chippers, street sweepers, defibrillators.
Urban Forest - 40,301 trees and 422 different species across the City.
The plans are Council's approach to managing our community's assets and include service levels, proposed funding requirements, forecasts of community needs, renewal and upgrade cycles and maintenance plans.
Have your say
Our Asset Management Plans are now due for another review. We are again seeking feedback to understand the views of our community on what areas Council are performing well in, and where improvements can be made.
Draft Asset Management Plans have been developed for the community to review; and these plans will be finalised once community feedback has been received.
How can I have my say?
Council is seeking your views on the current state of our community's assets, and how they are managed.
This feedback will be used to ensure that the future service levels and funding proposed for each of our asset classes is appropriate.
Where can I find the plans?
The six draft Plans (buildings, open space, stormwater, transport, urban forest, and plant & equipment) and a Summary Information document are available in the Document Library, and for viewing at the Civic Centre.
What happens next?
Council will consider the results of the community consultation and look to formally endorse the revised Plans at a Council Meeting in late 2023.
More Information
More background information and links to the research can be found online in the Document Library.
You can also contact Council's Engagement and Communications Coordinator, Bernie Auricht, on 8366 4200.