Cat Management By-Law Facts
So that you are clear on what this is all about here are some facts:
- A question on cat management was included in our 2013 Annual Community Survey, which was responded to by 800 ratepayers (a statistically valid response).
- 79 per cent of those ratepayers surveyed agreed the City should manage cats in the same way as it manages dogs.
- Recently Council also considered a petition from 470 City of Burnside residents calling for a change to the current cat management strategy. This change would effectively mean creating a new by-law to manage cats.
- So Council moved a motion to explore further our community’s appetite for a cat by-law by undertaking community engagement on whether the community want a cat management by-law and what would be acceptable in that by-law.
- This consultation will soon be commencing and Council is expecting a high response to this engagement that includes a survey to enable the community to have their day about the proposed by-law.
- This engagement will close at 5 pm Monday 30 June and then the results will be reported back to Council. Depending upon the outcome of the engagement, Council will resolve to either stop investigating a cat management by-law or continue with the process to gazettal and enactment of the by-law.
- If Council decides to continue the process, then a report must be prepared for the State Legislative Review Committee of Parliament to consider whether the by-law should be disallowed.
- If passed by Parliament, four months after gazettal the by-law will be in force.
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