What is the registration fee?
The registration fee has not yet been determined, but will be in line with Council’s dog registration fee and the cat registration fees implemented by other local governments currently up to $65 per cat, per annum. Options that Council may consider to assist cat owners/carers are subsidised micro-chipping days, registration concessions and exemptions for relevant circumstances.
What happens after the community consultation?
After the consultation closes, the results will be reported back to Council. Depending upon the outcome of the engagement, Council will resolve to either stop investigating a cat management by-law or continue with the process to gazettal and enactment of the by-law.
If Council decides to continue the process, then a report must be prepared for the State Legislative Review Committee of Parliament to consider whether the by-law should be disallowed.
If passed by Parliament, four months after gazettal the by-law will be in force.