*** UPDATE 2 August 2022 ***
In a rapidly changing world, the City of Burnside is committed to building a welcoming, healthy and connected community. Being part of a community can have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing and provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness.
The Burnside 2030 Strategic Community Plan outlines several key visions for the community over the coming years:
• Facilities, services and programs that meet our community’s needs.
• Resilience, wellbeing and recreation.
• A sense of community.
The Connected Communities Strategy 2022-2026 provides a blueprint to guide Council’s contribution toContinue reading
*** UPDATE 2 August 2022 ***
In a rapidly changing world, the City of Burnside is committed to building a welcoming, healthy and connected community. Being part of a community can have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing and provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness.
The Burnside 2030 Strategic Community Plan outlines several key visions for the community over the coming years:
• Facilities, services and programs that meet our community’s needs.
• Resilience, wellbeing and recreation.
• A sense of community.
The Connected Communities Strategy 2022-2026 provides a blueprint to guide Council’s contribution to future community initiatives. It ensures that the City of Burnside can meet the minimum needs of our growing community in a socially, environmentally and financially sustainable and responsible manner.
As guided by community feedback, the Strategy is organised into three key goals including inclusion, wellbeing and participation. From this, a total of eight strategic priorities have been created that will be used to inform a future Action Plan, outlining key projects and community programs to be delivered over the term of Council. The Action Plan will shape future funding opportunities that will be delivered through Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget process. The final strategy can be found in the Document Library.
*** UPDATE 27 June 2022 ***
The draft Connected Communities Strategy was endorsed by Council on Thursday 16 June 2022.
The City of Burnside has prepared the draft Connected Communities Strategy and invites your feedback.
The draft Connected Communities Strategy seeks to help create a welcoming, healthy, and connected community. Its focus is spaces and programs that support wellbeing, inclusion and learning.
The draft strategy has been developed considering the emerging demographic and planning trends of our City, community feedback and the Burnside 2030 Strategic Plan.
Above: the draft Connected Communities Strategy. View a larger version in the document library to the right of the screen.The draft strategy includes a series of goals and priorities Council will work towards. The priorities provide guidance on where Council should focus its efforts to deliver the best value for the community with the resources it has. The priorities do not aim to capture every single service that Council delivers. Council will continue to deliver usual services even if not listed.