Burnside team rescues native falcon

Last month two of our City Clean team found an injured peregrine falcon on Portrush Road in Linden Park.
Distressed and unable to fly, the adult female bird was in danger, exposed to heavy foot traffic areas and major roads.
Jumping into action, the staff did an incredible job keeping the falcon safe from vehicles and people. Soon after, City of Burnside Team Leader of Natural Resources Heath arrived on the scene to assist. A trained wildlife rescuer with Fauna Rescue SA, Heath was able to safely capture the falcon with a towel and take her to the team at Adelaide Bird and Exotics Vet Centre.
As the fastest animal in the world, the peregrine falcon can reach speeds over 300 km/h while hunting. By flying above their prey, the falcon will spot its target below then fold its wings and fall into a nosedive reaching their maximum velocity. The falcon will then close its talons and uses them to knock the prey out of the sky.
Considered a rare species in South Australia, the peregrine falcon has seen its numbers flourish in past decades following near extinction in the 80s and 90s due to pesticide use and poaching. Now thriving both rurally and in cities, the peregrine falcon mainly feeds on smaller birds including feral pigeons and has adapted better to city life than almost any other native animal. Naturally found nesting on steep cliff faces the falcons have replaced their rocky nests for high-rise buildings and window ledges, proving a safe vantage point to hunt and raise their chicks.
If residents come across any injured wildlife, please call Fauna Rescue SA on 8289 0896, or another wildlife rescue group.