Maintaining Social Connections
Community members who were attending the City of Burnside’s 3Rs group (a weekly social group for isolated people over 65 years of age) have been able to maintain some social connections during the Coronavirus restrictions thanks to Meagan and our wonderful team members. Casual staff have been phoning residents for a chat each week, hand writing them letters, and delivering them activity packs (including games, puzzles, crafts and things to read) and frozen meals to keep them entertained (and smiling their beautiful smiles).
“I have been quite lonely during the COVID-19 restrictions,” says Maria, a 3Rs client. “I am really missing my regular 3Rs/community groups/programs, and can’t wait to get back to socialising as normal.”
Despite tough times, and missing her social interactions, Maria still wears a big cheeky grin, and loves to tell a joke or two. She also showed off her little furry friend, and proudly boasted about her rose garden. A phone call/visit/letter from the team really does make her day.
Meagan also said that she loves interacting with members of our Community who utilise services such as 3Rs, and how charismatic and full of life they all are (particularly Maria).
“It is great to add a bit of extra joy to someone’s day, especially those who live alone.”
If you would like to find out more about the 3Rs program and other social activities that will recommence once restrictions have been eased, please phone the Home Support Team on 8366 4144.