New Council Members - Cr Jane Davey and Cr Andy Xing

Thank you for your confidence and support in re-electing me to represent you as YOUR VOICE in Council.
As outlined in my election campaign, I am dedicated to working to preserve the character of our beautiful and unique city as well as to protect, maintain and enhance our trees, parks, heritage buildings, open spaces and streetscapes.
I will fight to amend and improve state government planning laws so that Council is able to control demolition of our buildings and trees, protect our heritage buildings, better protect our urban infrastructure and restore the right of community members to have a say in the development to be undertaken in their vicinity.
Maintenance of and improvement to our remaining tree canopy across Burnside is an essential component of our response to minimise the effects of climate change and for enhanced environmental sustainability in our community.
I will work hard to reduce the rates of generation of waste - both in the community and by Council - including the scourge of single use plastics - and to set targets for improvement of recycling rates and reduction of the waste Burnside sends to landfill.
Finally, there are significant challenges for the management and improvement of the traffic and parking issues faced by both our residential and our business community across our suburbs.
I wish you and your families a safe, happy and healthy festive season.
Cr Andy Xing
I’m your new voice on Burnside Council. Following is a little about myself and what I intend to achieve in my term. It has already been noted to me that I am the youngest elected member and first from an Asian background in City of Burnside history.
But first, I’d like to tell you about my parents. They’re my inspiration. They chose to come to Australia to build a better life for themselves and their family. They worked hard and made sacrifices every day. They’re the reason I am in this privileged position today. My goal is to live up to their example.
Now I’d like to tell you a little about myself. I’m a management consultant, which means I help organisations which do business around the world create value for Australians. I’m also a proud Burnside local. I was raised in Kensington Park and graduated from Pembroke. There’s even a fair chance you’ve seen me on the courts at the East Torrens and Kensington Gardens Tennis Club (ETKG).
I stood for Council because I wanted to improve the local community I love. My priorities during my term are promoting our economic growth, investing in youth and active ageing programs, embracing our rich multiculturalism, and harnessing the views of the next generation, protecting our heritage and green spaces, and ensuring the transparent and effective use of ratepayer funds. Achieving everything I’ve set out to achieve won’t be easy. However, I promise that I’ll work hard every day to serve the community I love. My desire is to combine truly independent politics, a unique perspective, and new ideas to empower communities to use the most important weapon they have: their voice.
Once again, thank you for placing your faith and trust in me. I am honoured to represent my local community and excited about working with you all over the next four years.