Quick Response Grants lead to Korfball Championships

A hybrid of basketball, netball and European handball, korfball is the most popular sport you’ve never heard of. Designed as a mixed gender sport, korfball was created in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 20th century with the IKF World Korfball Championships hosted every four years in alternating countries.
With support from a City of Burnside Quick Response Grant, Linden Park resident Jazz Zulfic was a member of team Australia representing the green and gold in the 2023 World Championships in Taiwan last year. Jazz received the maximum $500 to assist with an international competition.
A two-time World Championship representative Jazz said the process of applying for the grant was straight forward and simple.
‘We have to raise funds ourselves for the trip,’ Jazz said. ‘Myself and another teammate both applied successfully for the grant through Burnside.’
‘The trip was incredible, being exposed to a different way of life and culture, it is very interesting to see how other people live.’
With eyes already on the 2027 World Championship in the Netherlands, Jazz will be looking to apply for the Quick Response Grants again when eligible.
The City of Burnside Quick Response Grants are intended to be a fast approval form of Community Grants open to both individuals and community groups with a maximum of $500 available to each applicant – depending on event specifications.
Criteria for applicants include:
- Quick Response grants open on the first day of every quarter (January, April, July and October).
- Grants will be closed once quartely allocation funds has been exhausted.
- An applicant can only apply for one quick response grant per financial year.
- Individuals can apply for a maximum:
- $150 for state events/competitions
- $300 for interstate events/competitions
- $500 for international events/competitions
- Community groups can apply for a maximum of $500 for a project/event/activity.
Visit our website for the full list of grant criteria.