Twins Cooking for a Cause

Cooking For a Cause is a free four-week course offered to people of high school age who live, work, study or play within the City of Burnside.
At each session participants are taught how to cook a healthy, nutritious meal which are then delivered to various organisations for the homeless in South Australia, via Oz Harvest.
Twins Alice and Daisy Braithwaite, 15, have completed the course as part of their participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Alice says they both enjoy cooking at home. “This is a chance to make meals for others and learn new cooking skills,” she says. Daisy agrees saying “We are helping people and it makes me thankful for what we have.”
The girls have the opportunity to sit down and enjoy the meal they have prepared.
Chef Kate Williamson says basic kitchen skills such as holding a knife correctly are important to learn. “I see huge improvement in them over the four weeks,” she says. “Also some fussy eaters find they are happy to try something different as they have prepared it themselves.”
There is a limit of eight (8) students at each course and pre-booking is essential.
Courses for 2021 are full but dates for 2022 will be announced soon. For more information please contact Aleisha Sullivan, Community Development Officer on 8366 4200 or
Alice and Daisy in the kitchen.