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This is our media hub of all things Burnside.

A hub for local news about people, businesses and happenings in our community.

You will see some beautiful photos of Wyfield Reserve, one of Burnside's biodiversity sites, at the top right of this page.


This is our media hub of all things Burnside.

A hub for local news about people, businesses and happenings in our community.

You will see some beautiful photos of Wyfield Reserve, one of Burnside's biodiversity sites, at the top right of this page.

  • Serving the Community

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    Michele Alexandrou moved back to Glenunga in 2009 after spending two years in Broome, WA. In the 10 years since she has become an integral part of the Burnside community, currently serving her second year as President of the Lions Club of Burnside.

    “I was waiting for my possessions to arrive and went to the Burnside Lions garage sale to buy a kettle and toaster,” Michele says. “I got chatting to the (then) president and he asked me to join. My mother and father had both recently passed and I found the members mostly their age so it was a good fit.”

    Michele says she was the youngest member at that stage. “Most members were retired and in their 70s and 80s. I was very active and fit and helped out with lifting heavy things.”

    As the only member working full time (as a real estate agent) she resisted calls for her to stand as President. “I just didn’t think I had the time,” she says. “But then it seemed the Club may close without a new President so I put my hand up – for one year.”

    Inducted as President in July 2017 Michele enjoyed it so much she volunteered for a second year.

    “It is great networking and everyone is warm and kind – I have made some great friends,” Michele says.

    In a plan to engage younger residents to join the Club Michele recently established a Facebook page. “There was some resistance from members who don’t like change,” she says. “But it worked and we now have younger members wanting to join. We even have more women than men.” Women were first granted membership as Lions in 1987.

    Michele says the work of the Lions Club of Burnside is wide ranging and very satisfying. “We work closely with Council helping out with events, doing barbecues. We helped build a kitchen at Burnside CFS, the largest event that takes all year to organise is the annual Carols in the Park, and on the first Saturday of each month a garage sale at Glebe Road Glen Osmond.”

    The carols take a year of planning and the whole weekend of the event to set up and clear up. “It’s a great event to bring the community together,” Michele says. “We set up a stage for 120 people, portable toilets and chairs. The CFS help us out by running the barbecue.” The proceeds from this year’s event and from the sale of Christmas cakes will be donated to support bushfire ravaged communities.

    Another major project for the Club is supporting the Burnside War Memorial Hospital. “We’ve helped build their oncology ward over the past 20 years,” Michele says. “Last year we gave them a cheque for $17,000.”

    Michele encourages people from all walks of life to consider joining and giving back to the community. “If we attract younger people who are working then we may move the second meeting of the month from the afternoon to evening.”

    She also called on residents to consider the Lions Club when clearing out their garages or moving house. “We are always looking for donations for our garage sales. Good quality bric-a-brac, household goods and clothing. We will even come and collect (as long as it’s not large furniture).”

    And will she go for a third term as President? “I am still learning,” Michele says. “My Vice President Bob Rowell and Secretary Barry Taylor have mentored me and I have learnt a lot from them. I’ve really enjoyed that.”

    For her community service Michele was recently awarded the Real Estate Institute of South Australia (REISA) Community Service Award. 2019.

    The Lions Club of Burnside meets twice a month, one for business and one a dinner meeting at the Arkaba Hotel with a guest speaker. Check out their website.

  • Toorak Burnside Bowling Club Celebrates 100th Anniversary

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    The Toorak Burnside Bowling Club recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening its greens.

    Club historian Carl Hopkins says that just before the end of WWI, a group of public-spirited residents in the new suburb of Toorak Gardens decided to start a recreation club. “The committee was formed in July 1918, and within 18 months had raised money, bought land and established the building,” says Carl, 88. “The greens were officially opened on 1 November 1919.” He added that researching the colourful history of the club revealed humorous anecdotes from the last century that speak to rogues and thievery, arson, and the rise of the women’s movement that eventually toppled the bastion of male dominance within lawn bowls.

    Carl has been a member for 35 years but says many members have been in the club longer than that. With 150 members (about a third of them women), the club consists mostly of older retired people with an average age of about 60. “We have some members still working full-time so they play bowls on Saturdays,” he says. The greens are natural lawn which is mowed weekly and rolled twice a week. Rolling involves literally rolling the lawn flat and smooth with what looks like a mini steamroller to ensure the best playing surface.

    Bowls takes quite a bit of skill and is dependent on technique. The Club provides coaching for beginners and often hosts students from local high schools. Carl says he enjoys the competitive nature of bowls and also the social gatherings. While bowls is a summer sport they still meet during winter for social activities. “We have a strong membership but are always looking for new members,” he says. “Come to one of our night owls evenings and give it a go. It is not physically demanding but does require a lot of concentration.”

    For the club’s centenary, Carl authored a book of history and he recounts one story:

    The robbery

    In 1982, the club held a major three day bowls tournament. It was extremely well patronised and, being a hot weekend, the finance committee was very pleased with the bar takings and general revenue generated.

    The following Monday morning, after the event, the treasurer and a committee member turned up at the club planning to deposit the takings at the bank. However, they were dismayed to find trolley scuff marks leading from the office, right across B green, to the northern gate. On entering the office, it was a shock to discover that the safe had been stolen, and that the villains had also borrowed the club’s sack truck to facilitate the deed.

    Two days later, the safe was found by the police up in the Adelaide Hills with its back blown off. Unfortunately for the club, not only did a large amount of money go missing, but all of the club’s early minutes and records that were stored in the safe had been distributed to the four winds and lost forever. According to Colin Harvie, a member who later held the post of president from 1998 - 2000:

    - to have known there was such a large amount of cash inside the building

    - to have known the layout of building

    - to have known there was access to the sack trolley, and

    - to have positioned the get-away vehicle in the precise location

    “…Definitely an inside job!"

    (scroll to top and click main title to see more photos)

    Below: 1938 Miss M Nicholls rolls first bowl

    One shot down

  • Young Library Fan

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    The Burnside Library has many regular customers across a wide range of ages. We spoke to the grandmother of one of our youngest.

    Judy Andruchowycz has been bringing her granddaughter Charlotte to the Library every week for more than a year. From the age of one Charlotte and her parents lived with Judy and her husband while they built a new house. “We formed a very strong bond,” says Judy. “Every Tuesday I would take her to the Burnside Library and she played with toys, dressed up and looked at books.”

    Her favourite toy was Winnie the Pooh, who Charlotte called Big Ted. Judy says Charlotte would often dress up Big Ted and herself in matching outfits in her favourite colour - yellow.

    Charlotte likes to look through the glossy magazines in the adult reading area – and is often found lying down between the couches! Judy says her granddaughter is stimulated when in the library and very curious. “Our visits really help broaden her outlook and she is so confident,” Judy says. “At one stage she just loved to sit in the big chairs at the entrance and she would go off and come back with pamphlets from the Council public display.” Her favourite one? The public toilet map!

    Charlotte has special visits for music and events and tells her Nana “The Library feels like home”.

    Judy says the Library is a one stop shop. “Charlotte gets to use the playground and learn, I get to relax and we can have a drink at the café.”

  • Growing (and cutting) her hair for charity

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    One of Burnside’s younger residents has decided to grow her hair long and then have it cut off to raise funds for Variety the Children’s Charity. Jade is a Year 3 student at Rose Park Primary school and lives with her family in Dulwich. Her mum Alice is very proud of her and says Jade’s commitment has not waived since she made the decision more than two years ago. Jade tells her story in her own words.

    “Hi my name is Jade and I am 9 1/2 years old. About two years ago I heard an ad on the radio about a girl that had just cut her hair for kids needing hair. I asked mum and dad if I could do the same, so I have been growing my hair ever since.

    I'll be chopping off approximately 38 cm on Saturday 7 December at Windsor Hair L'Estrange Street, Glenside.

    Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. A donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, can help towards providing a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need.

    I would appreciate any donation towards this cause. Thank you.”

    You can donate here.

  • A Keen Cyclist

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    Malcolm Dixon has enjoyed cycling all his life. To encourage more people to participate in active transport and improve facilities in Burnside, he with some other like-minded guys, have started a Burnside Bicycle User Group (BBUG).

    “My bicycle and a football were my two greatest possessions as a child,” Malcolm says. A Burnside resident since migrating from England with his family in 1948, Malcolm believes children should enjoy the extra benefits gained from riding to school. “It is a proven fact that bike riding improves their health and minds,” he says. “When I was a teenager the bike shed at school was always full. Now you are lucky to see a dozen.” Malcolm, 84, says parents can be overprotective and he would like to see safe cycling routes designed for children to ride to school. “All studies show cycling is good for you, it is low impact exercise,” says Malcolm. “With the increase in obesity and heart disease any exercise you do is good for you.”

    The Burnside Bicycle User Group formed last year and held a history ride in October with the assistance of the Burnside Historical Society. Starting from the Civic Centre to Tusmore Park, Leabrook, Knightsbridge, Hazelwood Park and Burnside village. About 20 people took part in the two hour ride which was well received. BBUG hopes to run more rides next year.

    Malcolm has a wish to see Burnside Council have a cycling plan which integrates with our neighbouring Councils. “If you put in safe cycling routes and infrastructure, they will get used and remember, it is cheaper to construct a cycle lane than a motor lane.” The new law which requires motorists to give bikes a one metre clearance has made the roads safer. “Most motorists are good,” he says. “Most cyclists are also motorists.” Malcolm hopes Elected Members will be more focused on active transport and realise the health and environmental benefits of cycling in our great district.

    To inquire about the group go to ‘Burnside Bicycle User Group’ on Facebook.

  • Council saved $10,000 in Waste Levy

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    For the 10 weeks leading up to November 2019, the City of Burnside disposed of 93 tonnes of waste to landfill less than the same 10 week period in 2018, saving Council over $10,000 in waste levy (plus service charges). Waste warriors and starter-recyclers, and everyone in between, are becoming more conscious of reducing the amount of waste disposed in their waste-to-landfill red bins.

    This means more use of the yellow lid recycling and green lid organics bins in our City.

    We all benefit if we do the right thing with our bins. If we stay on this course we could save 500 tonnes of landfill for the year. With the waste levy increasing again in January 2020, that would save Council $65,000.

    The spring 2019 Focus newsletter included tips on the green lid organics bin. As a rule of thumb, if it grows, it goes in the organics bin (and that includes pizza boxes, tissues and paper plates).

    Look out for the summer 2019 Focus newsletter hitting letterboxes in early December. We find out that you can ignore those 'recycling numbers' on the bottom of plastic containers. This old system is slowly being phased out and replaced by the Australasian Recycling Label that gives you easy to understand recycling information.

  • Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

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    The City of Burnside Council is pleased to confirm the appointment of Mr. Christopher Cowley as its new Chief Executive Officer.

    At a Special Confidential Meeting held on 30 October, Burnside Council appointed Mr Cowley to the position.

    He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Whyalla and brings over 20 years’ experience in local government across three states and has a strong focus on serving the community, financial management and good governance.

    He holds a Bachelor of Commerce, a Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership, an Associate Diploma in Accounting and a Graduate Diploma from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
    Mr Cowley said he was excited at the prospect of taking on the role and was looking forward to re-locating his family to Adelaide.

    “Burnside is a well-respected Council and one of Adelaide’s best areas. I look forward to getting to know and work closely with the Mayor, Elected Members and the Administration,” Mr Cowley said.

    Mayor Anne Monceaux is delighted with the appointment and looks forward to working with him, in collaboration with Elected Members, staff and the community.

    Mr Cowley will begin in the role in early January 2020.

    The current Acting CEO, Mr Barry Cant will continue until Mr Cowley commences in the position.

  • EBEC relaunched as Propel SA

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    Pictured: L - R: Cr Harvey Jones, General Manager Martin Cooper, Mayor Anne Monceaux, Cr Peter Cornish, Cr Helga Lemon, Cr Paul Huebl.

    Eastside BEC has been relaunched as Propel SA. The not-for-profit membership based organisation has been helping hundreds of small businesses in the eastern suburbs for over 20 years, providing advice and assistance, workshops and networking opportunities. Propel SA is proudly supported by three Councils, City of Burnside, Campbelltown City Council and the Town of Walkerville.

  • Playgrounds voted in top 5

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    Two playgrounds in the City of Burnside are in the top five in the east, as voted by South Australians! Tusmore Park, featuring the popular wading pool, and Wombat Waterhole in the State Heritage listed Hazelwood Park were voted fourth and fifth in the East/Inner South/ Hills.

    Tusmore Park is a tranquil park featuring mature trees, lawns and landscaped areas. The First Creek traverses through the park in winter. During the summer the covered unsupervised Toddler wading pool is a great place for children to play in.

    Hazelwood Park is one of Burnside's major reserves. It is traversed by First Creek and includes natural stands of River Red Gum and SA Blue Gum. Some of the early plantings from the "Hazelwood" garden can be seen near Hawthorn Crescent, including a large Bunya Pine. A small war memorial is situated near the entrance to the George Bolton Swimming Centre Burnside, Adelaide's most picturesque swimming centre. Hazelwood Park has an extensive network of paths with seating, barbecues and playground equipment. The all-access playground caters for children of all ages and abilities, providing a diversity of physical, explorative, interactive and imaginative play opportunities.

    Well done to the Depot and Asset management teams that maintain these beautiful parks and playgrounds.

  • Chill Out

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    Once a week more than 40 people gather in the Burnside Ballroom for 50 minutes of Mindful Meditation. The class is run by Sabine Toh, a local resident who gives her time to share her skills with others.

    “I'm very passionate about seeing people shine their own brilliance and drop their limited beliefs and habits,” Sabine says.

    With a background as a yoga teacher and a biologist (biochemistry/immunology) Sabine has studied quantum physics, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypnotherapy and is undertaking a PhD in breathing and sleep. She teaches meditation and balanced lifestyle techniques both in group sessions and one-on-one.

    Sabine, 50, says we tend to program ourselves with statements like ‘I am always late’, ‘I am too old’ or ‘I can’t do that’.

    “I teach people to change that. I have a smorgasbord of information and people pick what they want. I explain a combination of science and the ancient wisdom of the ages,” Sabine says. “I don’t preach – I teach.”

    A key part of her session is deep breathing and self-awareness. “You have a unique life and you have to find the peace inside. There is so much information out there people get confused. I am passionate that the direct route to peace is within.”

    Sabine welcomes anyone who wants to experience her unique teaching style. “The more the better,” she says. “More people means more energy – the circle is getting huge.”

    Every class is different. “I have taught cancer patients to face their fear – of dying, of chemo, of having an MRI. I love seeing people happy and I have a lot of tools to help them.”

    “People say to me ‘I feel so good - you have changed my life’. I feel uplifted and they keep coming back.”

    One of her biggest challenges was teaching a class of high school boys how to deal with ‘study stress’. “I taught them to sit up straight, breath deeply and find their inner core. I convinced them they could be cool and confident at the same time, without slouching around. If I can teach them I can teach anyone!”

    What do you like about living in Burnside?

    I really appreciate the facilities at the Civic Centre. The things people can do is amazing. Tai Chi, cards, organic food – it’s free or cheap. Lots of activities for our treasured older people. It’s a beautiful space with free parking.

    Thursdays 1.10 pm – 2 pm in the Burnside Ballroom $2 per person

    Learn how easy it is to meditate, stretch and be mindful, using breathing to revitalise and also to de-stress.

    Sabine is also available for public talks and in-house classes.

Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 03:21 PM